East Anglia rail franchise 2014
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This ‘Stakeholder briefing document’ for the East Anglia franchise competition summarises the responses to the consultation that was carried out in between December 2014 and March 2015 and provides the government’s response to it. It also provides a description of what has been included in the new Invitation to tender specification for the franchise competition and sets out what this might mean for stakeholders when the new franchise begins in October 2016.
There was an error in clause 6.9 in the ‘Stakeholder briefing document and consultation response’, published 17 September 2015. The error concerned future service provision between Angel Road and Stratford. It has now been corrected.
Related East Anglia franchise 2015 documents
- Major boost for East Anglia as government confirms ambitious ‘Norwich in 90’ plans news story, 17 September 2015
- Rail franchising: East Anglia invitation to tender written ministerial statement, 17 September 2015
Original consultation
Consultation description
The Department for Transport (DfT) is seeking your views on future rail services in East Anglia.
Rail passenger services in East Anglia are currently provided under the Greater Anglia franchise. This franchise is due to expire in October 2016. Our Rail Executive currently anticipates that this will be replaced by a new East Anglia franchise.
It is important that you have your say and provide feedback on what rail services should look like in the next franchise. Your views will inform a franchise specification which we anticipate will be issued to bidders in summer 2015.
The current rail services in East Anglia have remained unchanged for many years. This is now an opportunity to revisit these services so they meet passengers’ and businesses’ needs in a region which contributes significantly to the economy.
Consultation events: passenger and stakeholder meetings
Members of the project team will be available to discuss the consultation with passengers at a number of stations. Separate events have also been arranged so that stakeholders can meet, express views and discuss the consultation ahead of submitting formal responses. The stakeholder events are aimed at:
- local authorities
- local business and commerce representatives
- local transport groups, rail groups and partnerships
A full list of passenger and stakeholder event dates is listed in our Consultation events (PDF, 148KB) document. If you require more information or want to register your interest in attending an event please email eastangliaevents@dft.gsi.gov.uk.