Education inspection framework 2019: inspecting the substance of education
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This is a report on the outcomes of the consultation on proposals for changes to the education inspection framework (EIF) from September 2019. The changes relate to the inspection of registered early years provision, maintained schools and academies, non-association independent schools and further education and skills providers.
With this report we have also published research on inspecting the curriculum and revising our inspection methodology, and an equality, diversity and inclusion statement.
View the final framework and handbooks for the education inspection framework and a report on inspecting the curriculum.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Alongside this consultation we have published the following materials:
- the draft education inspection framework 2019
- the draft inspection handbooks for early years, schools, non-association independent schools and further education and skills
- a commentary setting out the research that has informed the development of the criteria in the framework
Your feedback will help us refine and improve our proposed approach. We will consider all responses carefully before finalising and publishing the framework in summer 2019.
Updates to this page
Updated paragraph 2, page 9 of the 'Equality, diversity and inclusion statement'.
Added the consultation response report, a document on inspecting the curriculum and our inspection methodology and an equality, diversity and inclusion statement.
First published.