Electricity Market Reform: Further consultation on allocation of Contracts for Difference
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This consultation ran from 13 May 2014 until 10 June 2014. This document contains the government response to that consultation and forms part of the progress towards the first CFD allocation round in October 2014.
The consultation responses broadly supported the government’s position and where there were other views the evidence provided in the consultation was not, in the government’s view, sufficient to justify changing the proposed approach. The Government has therefore decided:
- Biomass conversion plants will be included in a separate group (Group 3) where they will be subject to competition, if there is budget allocated. Putting biomass conversions in group 3 will ensure that, competition is maximised in Group 1 where a competitive bidding process takes place for group 1 technologies.
- Scottish island onshore wind projects will be included in Group 2 (subject to state aid approval)
- The only minimum or maximum will be a 100MW minimum for wave and tidal stream technologies (i.e. not including tidal lagoon or tidal barrage) which can be achieved with capacity from both the RO and CFD schemes out to 2020/21.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The EMR consultation on Competitive Allocation from 16 January 2014 until 12 February 2014 set out proposals for how government intended to manage the first CfD allocation round.
This document seeks stakeholder views on our further policy proposals including treatment of Biomass conversion and Scottish Islands projects under the enduring regime, and the use of minima and maxima within technology groups.
The initial version of the consultation on the further use of technology groupings, minima and maxima (as published on the 13 May) incorrectly set out the ‘Territorial extent’ in paragraph 28. To confirm, this consultation is on a UK-wide basis and responses are welcome from across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.