Embedding standards and pathways across the cyber profession by 2025
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
As part of the National Cyber Strategy the government is committed to strengthening the UK’s cyber ecosystem and enhancing and expanding the nation’s cyber skills at every level. This includes developing a world class and diverse cyber security profession which inspires and equips future talent. Earlier this year the government ran a consultation on how the UK Cyber Security Council (“the Council”) could best support this aim.
The consultation ran for eight weeks from 19 January to 20 March 2022. It gathered feedback from individuals and organisations on whether the Council needs to be empowered further to fulfil its role as the professional authority and standard setting body. The consultation considered both legislative and non-legislative interventions.
We received 680 responses from a range of participants that would be affected by the proposals, including: individual cyber security professionals, graduates and career changers, private businesses and small & medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), accreditation and qualification providers, cyber security organisations, public sector bodies and critical national infrastructure providers. This response provides an overview and analysis of the key findings.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The cyber security profession is still in development and draws upon on multiple specialisms. It has now reached a level of maturity where it needs its own identity, shape and form. To help develop the profession, following an earlier consultation, the government funded the creation of the UK Cyber Security Council which launched in March 2021. The government sees this body as the authority on the cyber profession, bringing together the existing work of professional and certifications organisations in this space, to meaningfully communicate and assure consistency across standards and pathways.
This consultation asks for views on how best to ensure the UK Cyber Security Council is suitably empowered to be the voice of the profession, and to tackle the scale and diversity of the skills shortage which the government and industry wants to address.
Read more in the press notice.
Read the Written Ministerial Statement.
This consultation is being published alongside a consultation on proposals for legislation to improve cyber resilience. It is part of the government’s £2.6 billion National Cyber Strategy 2022 to protect and promote the UK in cyber space.