Enabling closer working between the emergency services
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This document is the government response to the public consultation which was launched in 2015.
There were over 300 responses to the consultation and this document summarises the findings and outlines the next steps.
It also sets out how the feedback will be reflected in forthcoming legislation.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The government believes that greater joint working can strengthen the emergency services and deliver significant savings and benefit for the public.
It has already invested over £70 million to help drive blue light collaboration projects. Although there are many good examples locally of joint working between the emergency services, the overall picture remains patchy and much more can be done to improve taxpayer value for money and the service to communities. For example, the majority of fire and police boundaries are already co-terminus. Whilst this could have led to joint estates, over half of police stations in England are separate but within 1km of a fire station.
How to respond
The closing date for response to this consultation is 23 October 2015.
You can also email your views to us at: Bluelights@homeoffice.gov.uk
Or you can write to us at:
Emergency Services Collaboration Consultation
Police Strategy & Reform Unit
6th Floor Fry Building
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF