Enabling investment in productive finance
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Detail of outcome
The government published its response to this consultation in ‘Facilitating investment in illiquid assets’ on 30 March 2022.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The government is consulting on proposed changes to the regulatory charge cap that applies to the default funds of occupational defined contribution (DC) pension schemes used for automatic enrolment. This is to inform future policy to help ensure DC schemes are able to access a broader range of illiquid asset classes that have the potential to result in positive outcomes for members.
Who this consultation is aimed at
- pension scheme trustees and managers
- pension scheme members and beneficiaries
- pension scheme service providers, other industry bodies and professionals
- civil society organisations
- any other interested stakeholders
How to respond to this consultation
Please send your consultation responses by email to the DC Policy, Investment and Governance Team at the shared address:
Note: When responding please indicate whether you are responding as an individual or representing the views of an organisation.
It is most useful for the government if organisations issue their response as a word document. If respondents wish also to provide a PDF, they can do so.