Consultation outcome

Energy from waste: changing the energy efficiency formula (‘R1’ Formula)

This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Government response

Detail of outcome

Defra received 3 responses to the consultation. The Welsh Government received 2 responses.

Defra and the Welsh Government will proceed to make the changes to legislation by 31 July 2016.

Original consultation


Seeking views on plans to update UK laws to adjust the energy efficiency formula used by energy from waste plants seeking recovery (R1) status.

This consultation was held on another website.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

We want to know what you think about plans to update laws in England and Wales to change the energy efficiency formula (R1). This formula is used by energy from waste plants to obtain ‘recovery’ (R1) status.

The formula has been changed in EU directive 2015/1127 to take into consideration the disadvantage that warmer climates have in obtaining R1 status.

Published 5 January 2016
Last updated 1 March 2016 + show all updates
  1. Government response added.

  2. First published.