Energy - review of the balance of competences
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
DECC have published this report which examines the balance of competences between the United Kingdom and the European Union in the field of energy.
It is a reflection and analysis of the evidence submitted by experts, energy companies, energy intensive users, the Devolved Administrations, trade associations, unions, non-governmental organisations, parliamentary committees, academic and professional membership associations, civil society and other interested parties, as well as a literature review of relevant material.
Where appropriate, the report sets out the current position agreed within the coalition government for handling this policy area in the EU. It does not predetermine or prejudge proposals that either coalition party may make in the future for changes to the EU or about the appropriate balance of competences.
A document containing all of the evidence submitted to this report is published alongside the main report.
The call for evidence and legal annex were published in October 2013.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
Evidence provided by individuals and organisations in response to the Balance of Competences review.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is leading the Balance of Competence Energy Review.
It will examine the scope and effect of EU competence on energy activities and includes discussion on:
the internal energy market and its contribution to the single market and growth;
security of energy supply; import dependency;
indigenous energy resources; energy infrastructure development;
energy efficiency; renewable energy; carbon capture and storage;
the EU external energy dimension (role of EU in international organisations and agreements with third countries); and nuclear and Euratom.
It will not consider climate change and international negotiations on climate change, nor the reduction of green-house gas emissions or EU-ETS. These issues were considered in the Environment and climate change review and which is due to publish its report at the end of the year.
The Foreign Secretary launched the Balance of Competences Review in Parliament on 12 July 2012. This follows the Coalition’s commitment to examine the balance of competences between the UK and the European Union. The review will provide an analysis of what the UK’s membership of the EU means for the UK national interest across thirty-two policy areas of EU activities spread across four semesters – with each stage lasting approximately six months.
We are looking for input from anyone with relevant knowledge, expertise or experience in the field of energy. We welcome contributions from individuals, companies, civil society organisations, think-tanks, governments and governmental bodies, from within the UK or beyond our borders.
We shall also be hosting workshops in London, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Belfast, Cardiff and Brussels to facilitate debate on the issues raised in this energy review. Details of dates, venues and content of the workshops are included in the Call for Evidence document. Please email for more information on the review and to register your interest in attending our workshops.
For full details of the review programme see the Review of the balance of competences.