Consultation outcome

King Charles III England Coast Path from Camber to Folkestone: Natural England's proposals

Applies to England

This consultation has concluded

Detail of outcome

On 28 September 2015 the Secretary of State announced their decision to approve a stretch of the England Coast Path in East Sussex and Kent between Camber and Folkestone. See the section 52 notice for Camber to Folkestone for more information.

On 29 July 2016 this stretch of coast path opened to the public.

Original consultation


Find out about Natural England's proposals to improve coastal access in East Sussex.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

On 19 September 2014, Natural England submitted a report to the Secretary of State for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs setting out the proposals for improved access to the south east coast between Camber, East Sussex and Folkestone in Kent.

The opportunity to comment closed on 14 November 2014. You can no longer make a representation or objection on proposals.

All representations and objections were considered before the Secretary of State made a final decision about the report.

The report is available as a series of separate documents. You can:

  • read the overview which includes background information to help you understand the proposals and maps
  • use the index map to find the relevant chapter for the length of coast you are interested in
  • open the corresponding chapter of the report for more information


Camber to Folkestone overview

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Camber to Folkestone index map

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Camber to Folkestone proposals: chapter 1 with map annexes

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Camber to Folkestone proposals: chapter 2 with map annexes

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Camber to Folkestone proposals: chapter 3 with map annexes

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Camber to Folkestone proposals: chapter 4 with map annexes

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Camber to Folkestone proposals: chapter 5 with map annexes

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Camber to Folkestone: access and sensitive features appraisal

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Published 19 September 2014

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