Environmental permitting: standard rules consultation no 21
Detail of outcome
We will publish the new and amended standard rules permits to the standard rules permit collection.
Where appropriate, we will make the new standard rules sets available ahead of the waste exemption changes.
If you wish to follow up your responses, or any point made in this document you are welcome to contact us:
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
We received comments from 33 respondents.
See the consultation response document for a summary of the comments and our responses to them.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation is about 3 new standard rules permits. They are for waste operators who carry out the treatment of:
- waste mattresses for recovery
- waste paper, cardboard and plastic for recovery
- waste tyres for recovery
Currently you can register a waste exemption for these activities. But government may change the law to require operators of these kinds of waste sites to have an environmental permit. We’re developing these standard permits in readiness.
The consultation also includes revisions to existing standard rules sets. See the consultation document for the details.
Updates to this page
We have converted the consultation document to an accessible HTML. We have added the consultation response document.
We have amended an error in the consultation document. On page 8, we have corrected the subsistence charge for SR2019 No 5 from £2,875 to £4,169 and SR2019 No 6 from £4,169 to £2,875.
First published.