Environmental permitting: standard rules consultation No.12
Detail of outcome
The report summarises the Environment Agency’s decisions.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
The report summarises the feedback received and the Environment Agency decisions.
Appendix A lists the respondents which include trade bodies, companies, emergency services, local authority and Public Health England.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The proposals include:
- a number of amendments to the rule set and risk assessment for asbestos waste transfer operations
- the introduction of a new Fire Prevention Plan requirement for those permitted sites allowed to store combustible waste material - this affects 21 existing rule sets and 21 new rules sets covering the equivalent activities (there are additional amendments covering the length of combustible waste storage time and one rule set change covering maximum storage limits)
- the expansion of household waste packaging codes for 4 rule sets covering civic amenity sites and metal recycling facilities
- the requirements derived from the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) which requires us to amend certain conditions in a range of existing rule sets - these amendments will allow existing permit holders to continue to operate under their permits without the need to apply for a new bespoke permit
- a number of minor amendments to the rules and definitions (including some IED requirements) affecting 6 rules sets covering Metal Recycling, Vehicle Storage, Depollution, Dismantling and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) waste related activities
- a proposed new standard rule allowing metal recycling and WEEE treatment activities to take place at the same site
What the response will be used for
We will use the responses of the consultation to decide whether we will publish the rules and whether the controls provided are appropriate for this activity or need to be changed.
Updates to this page
Published 28 November 2014Last updated 31 July 2015 + show all updates
Added the summary of feedback received and the EA decisions.
First published.