Establishing permitting regimes for the recreational fishing of Eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna in UK waters
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Detail of outcome
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) received 167 responses to the consultation.
As a result of this consultation, we will introduce legislation to establish permitting regimes for recreational targeting of bluefin tuna (BFT) in UK waters from summer 2024.
Each UK fisheries administration (FA) will determine if, and when, to introduce a BFT catch and release recreational fishery (CRRF) in its waters. We intend to open a BFT CRRF in English waters in 2024.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Defra is developing legislation to establish new catch and release recreational fisheries (CRRFs) for Eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT) across the UK, with a view to opening a CRRF for BFT, in English waters, in 2024.
We’re seeking views on the:
- key principles for the design of permitting regimes
- likely levels of interest in future CRRFs for BFT
- anticipated social and economic benefits of the fisheries
We’d like to know how these design principles should be applied operationally to the BFT catch and release recreational fishery in England.