Facilitating investment in illiquid assets by defined contribution pension schemes
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This government response provides a summary of the responses received to the Employer-related investments consultation on draft regulations, chapter 3 of the Facilitating investment in illiquid assets. The consultation sought views on draft regulations to lift certain employer-related investment restrictions on large authorised defined contribution Master Trust pension schemes.
The government response to the Disclose and Explain consultation, chapter 2 of the Facilitating investment in illiquid assets will be published in due course.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation includes:
- the government’s response to the ‘Enabling Investment in Productive Finance’ (charge cap reform) consultation
- a policy consultation on disclose and explain proposals to enable illiquid investments
- a consultation on draft regulations on employer related investments
- the government’s response to a call for evidence ‘Future of the defined contribution pension market: the case for greater consolidation’
We would welcome responses from:
- pension scheme trustees and managers, particularly those from defined contribution occupational Master Trust schemes
- pension scheme members and beneficiaries
- pension scheme service providers, other industry bodies and professionals
- civil society organisations
- any other interested stakeholders
Updates to this page
Added: The government response to the Disclose and Explain consultation, chapter 2 of the Facilitating investment in illiquid assets will be published in due course.
Government response to Chapter 3 of 'Facilitating investment in illiquid assets': Employer-related investments has been added.
First published.