Consultation outcome

Fees proposals: tobacco and herbal products for smoking

This consultation has concluded

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Detail of outcome

This report provides an overview of the responses received and a summary of the main themes that emerged in response to the consultation.

The report also sets out how the fees have been amended to reflect the information gathered during the consultation.

The regulatory triage assessment has been updated and a validation impact assessment is published alongside the new regulations on

Original consultation


Seeks views on proposals to introduce proportionate fees for the notification of tobacco and herbal products and the testing of cigarettes.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The Tobacco and Related Products Regulations 2016, which implement the Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU, require businesses to notify Public Health England (PHE) when placing tobacco and herbal products for smoking on the UK market and require the testing of cigarettes for levels of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide. It is illegal to supply products where reporting and notification requirements have not been complied with.

The government intends to introduce proportionate new fees in order for PHE to recover the costs of processing notifications and for testing cigarettes. The government proposes to implement these fees in 2017.

A regulatory triage assessment is published alongside this consultation.

Fees not applicable to most retailers

The proposals only cover manufacturers and importers of tobacco and herbal products. Fees are not applicable to retailers, unless their activities also include the manufacture or import of tobacco or herbal products.

e-cigarettes out of scope

Charging for notification of e-cigarettes is out of the scope of this consultation and was consulted on separately by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.


Regulatory triage assessment

Published 25 October 2016
Last updated 10 March 2017 + show all updates
  1. Government response added.

  2. First published.