Financial Reporting Council independent review: call for evidence
Detail of outcome
Read the outcome in the final report of the Financial Reporting Council: review 2018.
A total of 69 organisations, and a further 33 individuals, responded to the Review’s call for evidence.
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
The call for evidence covers:
- the purpose and function of the FRC
- its impact and effectiveness
- its powers
- legal status and relationship with government
- governance and leadership
- funding, resources and staffing
- its role in reducing the risk of major corporate failure
You may wish to submit information or evidence relating to:
- comparator bodies in the UK or internationally
- the context within which the FRC operates
- anticipated shifts in regulation, technology, standards
- the wider landscape
We welcome views from those affected by the FRC’s functions and its effectiveness, including:
- those organisations and companies that fund the FRC
- professional bodies, including those regulated by the FRC
- those who prepare accounts and conduct audits
- investors and other users of accounts
- individuals or bodies with an interest in the FRC’s effectiveness