Financing growth in innovative firms
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This document summarizes responses received to the consultation, including the response of the panel of industry experts convened by Sir Damon Buffini as part of the review. It also includes further information on the relevant measures announced at the Autumn Budget.
Read ‘Financing growth in innovative firms: one-year on’ published at Budget 2018.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Patient capital supports small firms to grow into large, world-leading businesses. These firms increase productivity by introducing new ideas into markets. The UK provides a fertile ground for world-leading innovation, but a lack of effective supply of patient capital continues to hold some UK firms back from commercialising this innovation successfully.
This consultation set out the evidence around a gap in the supply of patient capital in the UK. It then considered potential policy options that might help to address any gap.
The consultation was published as part of the Treasury’s Patient Capital Review. The terms of reference for the review were published in January 2017. The review was also supported by a panel of industry experts convened by Sir Damon Buffini. The terms of reference for and members of the Industry Panel were published in February 2017. The role of the panel has been to shape some of themes of this consultation and it provided its formal recommendations in response to this consultation alongside other responses to the consultation.
Read the news story.
Updates to this page
Published 1 August 2017Last updated 29 October 2018 + show all updates
Updated with link to 'Financing growth in innovative firms: one-year on'.
Updated with response to the consultation.
Ways of responding updated.
PDF updated to include logo in Annex D
First published.