Fire safety: risk prioritisation in existing buildings – a call for evidence
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This document presents a high-level summary of responses received to the call for evidence on commissioning research to develop the evidence base on fire safety risk in buildings. This work has informed the policy development of the Department and supports the ongoing full technical review of Approved Document B.
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
We are commissioning research to develop an evidence base on fire safety risk in buildings, which could assist building owners in the prioritisation of risks in existing buildings and prioritisation of buildings based on a broader understanding of risk.
This call for evidence is seeking views and evidence to help define the scope of this research by providing, in advance, stakeholder and industry views on approaches, tools and methodology that should be considered for this complex project.
The proposed research is in line with the Secretary of State’s commitment to conducting a full-scale technical review of the guidance to the Building Regulations and to provide advice to building owners and residents.