Closed consultation

Amendments to The Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (England) Regulations 2014 (S.I. 2014/2848) questions (accessible)

Published 20 November 2024

Proposed updates to Member Contribution Structure

Consultation questions

This consultation begins on 20 November 2024

This consultation ends on 29 January 2025

About you

Please use this section to tell us about yourself.

These questions are optional.

Q1. In what capacity are you responding to this consultation?

[delete as applicable]

Individual member
Member representative
Employer representative

If ‘other’ please let us know more details

[Please type your response here]

Q.2 If you are a representative of a group or force, please tell us the name of the group (for example FBU or LGA)

Please also indicate if you agree for your response to be made public and associated with the group or if you would like to remain anonymous.

[Please type your response here]

Consultation questions

To ensure compliance with data protection legislation, we request that you do not provide any personally identifiable information (for example, names, dates, and locations) in your answers to the following questions:

Q1. What is your preferred tiering option to determine a members contribution tier?

[delete as applicable]

Option 1: Increase tiers by known pay increases.

Option 2: Add an additional tier and modify the gap between tiers.

Option 3: Marginal system.

If necessary, please concisely explain your answer.

[Please type your response here]

Q2. What is your preferred option to determine a members contribution threshold?

[delete as applicable]

Option 1: WTE to determine which contribution rate a member will pay

Option 2: Use the previous year’s pay to determine which contribution rate, without any adjustment at the end of each scheme year.

Option 3: Use the previous year’s pay to determine which initial contribution rate as in option 2, then adjust for actual pay at the end of the scheme year.

If necessary, please concisely explain your answer.

[Please type your response here]

Q3. What is your preferred futureproofing option to avoid future misalignment?

[delete as applicable]

Option 1: Manually uplifting thresholds in line with the pay awards.

Option 2: Automatically increase thresholds in line with the consumer price index (CPI).

If necessary, please concisely explain your answer.

[Please type your response here]

Q4. Do you believe that your preferred contribution structure option, which you indicated in Q1, is administratively sustainable?

[delete as applicable]



Don’t know

If necessary, please concisely explain your answer.

[Please type your response here]

Q5. Are there any other proposals for achieving the target yield through contribution structures that you would like to be considered which have not been considered or proposed in this consultation?

[delete as applicable]



Don’t know

If yes, please outline the proposal(s).

[Please type your response here]

Q6. Do you anticipate any equality issues arising from the implementation of these proposals?

[delete as applicable]



Don’t know

If yes, please explain the issue(s) and cause(s).

[Please type your response here]

How to respond

Please respond by 29 January 2025.

You can email your response to:

Or you can post your response to:

Fire Member Contribution Consultation Structure
Police Workforce and Professionalism Unit
Home Office
6th Floor, Fry Building
2 Marsham Street