Folkestone Harbour: closure of branch line and station
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
As a result of responses to this consultation we modified the proposal so that the area affected is limited to the Network Rail lease area. We referred the proposal to the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) for ratification in May 2014, as required under legislation.
The ORR has now completed the ratification process and is content for the closure of the railway branch line of Folkestone Harbour and associated station to go ahead. The ratification notice (PDF, 120 KB), dated 31 July 2014, is available to view on the ORR website.
The closure will not take effect until 4 weeks after the date of ratification. There are no passenger services affected by this closure.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The Department for Transport is asking for feedback on our proposals to close Folkestone Harbour’s railway branch line and associated railway station. The branch line is 1 mile long and runs between Folkestone East Junction and Folkestone Harbour station.