Forensic medical examination: assessment, collection and recording of forensic evidence
Detail of outcome
Comments received were considered during the development of revised guidance.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This guidance document provides good practice for the forensic medical examination of complainants of sexual assault, including the gathering of information, retrieval of personal samples and other trace evidence from an individual for forensic purposes.
The Forensic Science Regulator has also published a consultation on the forensic medical examination standard for adult and child sexual assault complainants until 11:45 am on 28 December. You should read the forensic medical examination standard document: FSR-C-116 as well as the guidance document (FSR-G-212) as the aim of the guidance document is to help the requirements of the standard to be met.
This draft guidance relates to the standard and is published as a technical specialist consultation to allow individual stakeholders and interested parties to comment. All comments will be given due consideration before finalising the standard.