Framework for funding healthcare abroad in exceptional circumstances
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
There were 8 responses to the consultation, from a range of stakeholders across the UK. The majority of the respondents found the principles in the framework for the funding of healthcare abroad in exceptional circumstances to be sufficient for the Secretary of State to make decisions on discretionary funding.
Having considered consultation responses and wider engagement with key stakeholders, the UK Government has therefore decided to adopt the framework with minor drafting amendments from 18 August 2023.
A final version of the exceptional circumstances policy framework has been published alongside this response.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The aim of this consultation is to seek views on the Department of Health and Social Care’s (DHSC) reciprocal healthcare policy framework for the funding of healthcare abroad in exceptional circumstances.
A policy framework will facilitate fair and transparent decisions on discretionary funding requests.
We are consulting now as the Health and Care Act 2022 has been passed, which will change our primary legislation, and DHSC will shortly bring forward regulations that will give the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care new powers.
We would like views on:
- our proposed approach to decision-making in exceptional circumstances under reciprocal healthcare arrangements
- whether there is anything missing from our proposed framework