Closed consultation

Consultation draft for FSA-MTP101 reframed as activities/services: a holistic approach (accessible)

Updated 23 August 2024

This is a draft document for consultation and its content may change. It should not be taken to represent the Regulator’s view until final publication.

69. FSA – MTP 101 – Friction ridge detail: comparison

69.1 Definition

69.1.1 Examination, including search and macroscopic or magnified comparison of friction ridge detail, howsoever made and presented, to evaluate whether or not they originated from the same source or different source.

69.2 Required compliance

69.2.1 Compliance with the Code is required from the date the Code comes into force (see page 3). Compliance is demonstrated by having accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025, with the Code and this FSA or sub-activities of this FSA that the organisation undertakes on the schedule of accreditation.

69.2.2 This FSA should be read in conjunction with the FSA specific requirements set out in section Friction ridge detail: comparison (section 106).

69.3 Sub-activities

69.3.1 The following sub-activities are considered to constitute ‘Friction ridge detail: comparison’:

a. Search of FRD

i. Algorithmic process to provide potential candidates to take forward for comparison.

b. Identity check

i. Equates to comparison of friction ridge detail recorded under controlled conditions for the purpose of identity confirmation;

ii. Includes living or deceased persons;

c. Scene linking

i. Equates to mark-to-mark comparison of friction ridge detail;

ii. Algorithmic or manual.

d. Direct comparisons of persons of interest

i. Manual process of comparison between FRD from a person of interest and questioned FRD

e. Provision of a report.

Sub-activities not required to be included in accreditation scope

a. The consideration of the orientation of an area of friction ridge detail to determine the activity or handling that caused the deposition.


a. The sub-activities set out at 69.3.1.a.i and 69.3.1.c.ii involve the interrogation of a database. The control and management of such a database falls under FSA-CDM 200- Control and management of a forensic database service.

b. It is for bureaux to specify any voluntary limitation on scope, for instance, civil work or other aspects outside the Regulator’s remit.