Consultation outcome

Funding allocation methods: new domestic abuse duty

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

Applies to England

This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Annex B: Local authority allocations

Detail of outcome

Following the outcome of the Spending Review, £125 million new burden funding will be allocated to local authorities to cover the costs of the new duty on the provision of support within domestic abuse safe accommodation services for 2021-22 (subject to the successful passage of the Domestic Abuse Bill).

This response sets out the methodology MHCLG will use to allocate funding to local authorities across England for the delivery of the duty. It details the approach taken to allocate funding to Tier One authorities as the responsible body under the duty and, Tier Two authorities to support them in their duty to co-operate with relevant Tier One authorities.

It includes two annexes:

  • Annex A: Technical note (see consultation response) – further detail on the formula used to allocate funding
  • Annex B: Local authority allocations (attached) – a breakdown of individual local authority funding amounts

Local authorities are encouraged to check their allocation is as they expect based on the final formulas set out in this document. If an authority has any query about how their funding allocation has been calculated then please contact

Original consultation


We are seeking views on the funding allocation methodology for a new duty on local authorities to provide support to victims in safe accommodation.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

As part of the Domestic Abuse Bill, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, is introducing a new duty on local authorities in England to provide support for victims and their children in domestic abuse safe accommodation. Subject to the successful passage of the Bill, the new duty will commence in April 2021.

Under the duty, local authorities will be required to assess the need for and commission support to victims of domestic abuse and their children in safe accommodation services in their areas, and report back to central government that they have met these obligations.

This consultation seeks views on the government’s proposals for allocation of new burden funding associated with the duty to Tier 1 and Tier 2 local authorities.

This consultation will be of particular interest to local authorities across England and is relevant for both upper and lower tiers.


Updates to this page

Published 5 October 2020
Last updated 12 February 2021 show all updates
  1. Added consultation response and local authority allocations.

  2. First published.

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