Call for evidence outcome

Future frameworks for international collaboration on research and innovation: call for evidence

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
This call for evidence has closed

Detail of outcome

In March 2019, Professor Sir Adrian Smith was commissioned by BEIS to provide independent advice on the design of future UK funding schemes for international collaboration, innovation and curiosity-driven blue-skies research.

His review, Changes and choices, was published on 5 November 2019. This call for views informed his advice.

Original call for evidence


Professor Sir Adrian Smith is providing independent advice to government on the design of future UK funding schemes for international collaboration, innovation and research. This call for views will inform his advice.

This call for evidence ran from

Call for evidence description

Professor Sir Adrian Smith has been commissioned by BEIS to provide independent advice on the design of future UK funding schemes for international collaboration, innovation and curiosity-driven blue-skies research.

We welcome written contributions on a wide of issues relating to potential funding schemes. Please keep your submissions to less than 2500 words if possible.

The advice team will also hold evidence gathering meetings across the UK.

See the Terms of Reference for this work.


Adrian Smith call for evidence

Updates to this page

Published 15 April 2019
Last updated 5 November 2019 show all updates
  1. Link to Sir Adrian Smith Review, Changes and choices, added.

  2. First published.

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