Gas Transporter Licence Exemption for onshore production of gas
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The statutory instrument to implement Government policy in the above area was laid in Parliament on 12 July 2013. Following successful completion of the Parliamentary process, the statutory instrument is expected to come into force on 12 August 2013.
The exemption proposes a class exemption to remove the requirement to hold a transporter licence for a person who conveys gas that is produced or extracted onshore (e.g. biomethane, unconventional and conventional) to the gas grid (pipe-line system operated by a licenced gas transporter).
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation seeks comments on a proposal to exempt all onshore gas producers (eg. Biomethane, Shale and Coal Bed Methane) from the requirement to hold a transporter licence to convey gas from their production facility to the gas grid.
The consultation document sets out the scope of this exemption and the conditions that will apply to it. Responses to the consultation may be made until Wednesday 20th March 2013.