Consultation outcome

​​GCSE qualifications in British Sign Language​

Applies to England

This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Detail of outcome

To see this information in BSL format, please watch our series of videos.

Ofqual has decided to implement all of the proposals set out in its consultation document, with one minor change to the wording of an assessment objective to improve clarity.

In summary, Ofqual has decided that GCSEs in BSL will:

  • have one set of assessments for all levels of attainment (assessments that are not tiered)
  • include assessments by examination to assess students’ receptive language skills and their knowledge and understanding of the history of BSL, worth 40% of the total qualification marks
  • include non-exam assessment (NEA) to assess students’ productive and interactive language skills (including technical accuracy), worth 60% of the total qualification marks
  • have assessment objectives that address receptive, productive and interactive language skills, technical accuracy, and knowledge and understanding of the history of BSL

Ofqual’s consultation also provided information about further considerations for the assessments: the language of the assessment and some specific assessment considerations. Ofqual invited views from interested parties to help inform its thinking in these areas. The feedback received from respondents is being considered as Ofqual undertakes the next stage of work to draft proposals for its consultation on the detailed rules and assessment requirements for exam boards offering this qualification. The detailed rules and assessment requirements would be set out in new Subject Level Conditions, Requirements and Guidance.

Feedback received

Detail of feedback received

To see this information in BSL format, please watch our series of videos.

Ofqual consulted on assessment proposals for GCSE qualifications in British Sign Language (BSL). The consultation was open for responses between 15 June 2023 and 7 September 2023. 

Ofqual received 331 responses to the consultation. The majority of respondents strongly agreed or agreed with Ofqual’s proposed arrangements for assessing GCSEs in BSL. 

Ofqual’s proposal was in response to a separate consultation conducted by the Department for Education.

Original consultation


Consultation on proposed assessment arrangements for GCSEs in British Sign Language

This consultation was held on another website.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

To see this information in BSL format, please watch our series of videos.

The Department for Education (DfE) has proposed subject content for new GCSE qualifications in British Sign Language (BSL).

This consultation sets out Ofqual’s proposals for how DfE’s subject content for GCSEs in BSL should be assessed.

Ofqual proposes that GCSE qualifications in BSL should:

  • have one set of assessments for all levels of attainment (assessments that are not tiered)
  • include assessments by examination to assess students’ receptive language skills and their knowledge and understanding of the history of BSL
  • include non-exam assessment (NEA) to assess students’ productive and interactive language skills (including technical accuracy)
  • have assessment objectives that address receptive, productive and interactive language skills, technical accuracy, and knowledge and understanding of the history of BSL

This consultation also provides some information about Ofqual’s considerations for the language and regulatory expectations for the assessments.


Updates to this page

Published 15 June 2023
Last updated 21 December 2023 show all updates
  1. Published analysis of consultation responses and decisions

  2. First published.

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