GCSE reform: regulations for art and design
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
We have decided to adopt our proposed rules and guidance for reformed GCSEs in art and design, with minor drafting changes to clarify some of our expectations.
We have now published final versions of our:
- GCSE Subject Level Conditions and Requirements for Art and Design
- GCSE Subject Level Guidance for Art and Design
Our new rules will require reformed GCSEs in art and design to comply with the Department for Education’s subject content for art and design, and our assessment objectives. In line with current GCSEs, reformed GCSEs in art and design will also:
- award 60% of the total marks for a portfolio of work produced independently by the student
- award 40% of the total marks for an external assessment set by the awarding organisation, and released at the beginning of January in the expected year of certification. For this assessment, students will need to produce one or more artefact(s) in response to a set brief, carrying out preparatory work before producing their artefact(s) during a period of 10 hours under controlled conditions
Our guidance explains how awarding organisations should interpret our assessment objectives.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation is about the rules and guidance we plan to put in place for new GCSEs in art and design. These rules will apply to the exam boards that want to offer new art and design GCSEs from September 2016.
This consultation takes forward decisions made following our earlier consultation ‘Developing new GCSE, A level and AS qualifications for first teaching in 2016’, and is part of Ofqual’s work supporting the government’s changes to GCSEs, AS and A levels.