Developing GCSEs in design and technology for first teaching in 2017
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
We have decided to adopt two of our consultation proposals:
- New GCSEs in design and technology will not be tiered.
- New GCSEs in design and technology will allocate 50% of total marks to exams, and 50% to non-exam assessment.
We have also decided to make some changes to the weighting and wording of our assessment objectives. We set out the final assessment objectives for new GCSEs in design and technology in the table below.
Assessment objective | Weighting | |
AO1 | Identify, investigate and outline design possibilities to address needs and wants | 10% |
AO2 | Design and make prototypes that are fit for purpose | 30% |
AO3 | Analyse and evaluate – • design decisions and outcomes, including for prototypes made by themselves and others • wider issues in design technology |
20% |
AO4 | Demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of – • technical principles • design and making principles |
40% |
In taking these decisions, we have considered responses to the consultation, as well as our regulatory and equality impact assessments, which we are publishing today.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation is about developing new GCSEs in design and technology for first teaching in September 2017.
There will be further consultation on the development of other GCSE and AS and A level subjects at a later date.