GDA of Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy Ltd’s UK Advanced Boiling Water Reactor
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales and the Office for Nuclear Regulation have completed their Generic Design Assessment (GDA) of Hitachi-GE’s UK Advanced Boiling Water Reactor nuclear power station.
They concluded that it is capable of meeting high standards of safety, security and environment protection and is suitable for construction in the UK.
The Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales have considered all the responses they received during the consultation.
These documents explain the reasons for their decision and respond to the matters raised during consultation.
The Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales have also published 11 updated assessment reports and an independent dose assessment.
The regulators would like to thank everyone who responded to their consultation.
The Environment Agency commissioned and published an independent evaluation of the consultation after the completion of this GDA project.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales are asking for your views on their environmental assessment of Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy Ltd’s UK Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (UK ABWR) nuclear power station design.
All the consultation documents are here on GOV.UK but we encourage you to respond on the e-consultation tool.
Read the assessment reports with the consultation documents.
If you need a different document format, email
Updates to this page
The Environment Agency has commissioned and published an independent evaluation of the consultation after the completion of this GDA project.
The Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales and the Office for Nuclear Regulation have completed their Generic Design Assessment of Hitachi-GE’s UK Advanced Boiling Water Reactor nuclear power station. We've published the summary decision document, decision document and statement of design acceptability.
The Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales have published a collation of responses received to their consultation via the online e-consultation tool, email, post, national stakeholder event and local events near Wylfa Newydd and Oldbury. It does not contain the regulators’ response to the points raised by individuals or organisations, as these will be included in the final decision document.
Consultation has opened. Added supporting documents.
First published.