Green Gas Support Scheme 2022 annual tariff review: call for evidence
Detail of outcome
The response to this call for evidence fed into the Green Gas Support Scheme Annual Tariff Review 2022.
We received 6 responses to this call for evidence:
- trade association - 1
- biomethane AD plant developers and operators - 5
Responses were consistent with the view that the GGSS tariff levels and degression thresholds were appropriate, though some concerns around costs were raised.
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
This call for evidence seeks views and evidence from biomethane industry, investors, trade associations and supply chain to inform the Green Gas Support Scheme’s 2022 Annual Tariff Review.
Responses will provide evidence for the re-running of the tariff-setting process and gather insight into the effectiveness of the scheme and its current tariff levels.
The Review, which we will publish by 1 September 2022, will inform the decision to increase, decrease or hold tariffs from 1 October 2022, ensuring that they deliver benefits and provide value for money.
Find out more about the Green Gas Support Scheme Annual Tariff Review.
How to respond
There are 2 parts to this Call for Evidence, both available through the link at Ways to respond.
For biomethane anaerobic digestion plant developers and operators
If you currently operate, have recently developed or are developing a biomethane anaerobic digestion plant, please complete the spreadsheet template which you can download from the response pages. This information will inform the updated tariff-setting model.
For all respondents
A broader set of questions which complements the spreadsheet is open to all to respond.