Harwich Haven Authority: extension of pilotage area
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Detail of outcome
We received 2 responses to this consultation. Both were from representatives of organisations relevant to the matter. Given the support for the proposal from respondents, the Secretary of State has decided to proceed with making the Harwich Haven and Walton Backwaters (Application of The Pilotage Act 1987) Order 2020 as soon as possible.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Following a review, Harwich Haven Authority (HHA), in its role as a competent harbour authority, applied to the Department for Transport to extend its existing area of voluntary pilotage to include Hamford Water and Oakley Creek in the area known as the Walton Backwaters.
This consultation sought comments on the HHA’s proposal and a draft of the pilotage extension order to assist the Secretary of State in making a final decision on this application.