Heat in Buildings - The Future of Heat
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Everyone should have access to a decent home that is affordable to run, comfortable to live in, and sustainable for the future. Almost a thousand people across the UK responded to our consultation, representing a cross section of society including consumers and installers, manufacturers and trade bodies, and many others. Based on this wealth of feedback, new standards for domestic boiler installations in England are being introduced.
The UK boiler market is the biggest and most valuable in the world, but still, there are opportunities to boost productivity. In the last few years, new and better technology has come forward and so the time is right to raise standards for household heating, and expectations for our installers. Over the last decade we have seen great changes in the way people engage with their living environment: buildings and consumers are becoming more connected, with access to smarter technology and more information than ever before. This is supporting them to take better informed decisions about the products that best meet their needs, and how to use them most effectively.
Installing an energy efficient boiler can save some households hundreds of pounds a year, while effective use of controls can enable consumers to remain safe and comfortable, while minimising energy consumption. The new standards we have outlined in the Boiler Plus policy document improve the way many people use energy in their homes by giving them greater choice, greater control, and tangible savings on their energy bills.
Read the clarification on the Boiler Plus regulations for installers and consumers (PDF, 72KB, 1 page).
Original consultation
Consultation description
Our homes and buildings are central to our daily comfort and wellbeing, and the ability to keep ourselves warm and control our comfort is fundamental to quality of life. The course of action set out in this consultation seeks to transform the way consumers engage with their heating systems. We will give consumers greater choice over their heating technology and greater control over the space in which they live and work than ever before. With this consultation we are seeking views from consumers, installers and the supply chain on a range of measures and policy options that can:
Keep energy bills as low as possible;
Ensure the UK has a secure and resilient energy system; and
Reduce carbon emissions cost-effectively at home.
We are also seeking evidence on the costs and benefits of wider domestic and non-domestic central heating system performance improvements.
Your response will most useful if it is framed in direct response to the questions posed, though further comments and evidence are also welcome. We encourage respondents to make use of the online e-consultation platform at the link below.