High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement and Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 Consultation
Detail of outcome
Independent Assessor’s Report
Responses received to the High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement and Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 consultation were analysed by an Independent Assessor appointed by Parliament.
A report summarising the issues raised in the responses has been published by Parliament. View the Independent Assessor’s Report here: https://bills.parliament.uk/publications/53137/documents/4062
Detail of feedback received
You can view the responses to the consultation that were receive from organisations, elected representative and individuals that did not request confidentiality here: https://www.hs2ap2consultations.co.uk/
Original consultation
Consultation description
On 3rd July 2023, the UK Government introduced a second set of amendments to the High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) Bill, known as Additional Provision 2 (AP2).
Alongside it, an Environmental Statement (AP2 ES) was produced which reports on the likely significant environmental effects of the proposed amendments, where these are new or different to those reported in the ES that accompanied the Bill. It also outlines the measures proposed to avoid, reduce or manage these effects.
In addition, a Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 (SES2) was produced, reporting on the likely significant environmental effects of changes within the existing limits and powers of the Bill.
This consultation asked for your views on these documents, which can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/hs2-phase-2b-high-speed-rail-crewe-manchester-additional-provision-2
Please note:
The High Speed Rail (Crewe-Manchester) Bill has been carried over into the next parliamentary session, following the Prime Minister’s October 2023 announcement of Network North. Priorities for this programme are being developed, and the continuation of the current Bill could deliver the first elements of Northern Powerhouse Rail, making up a part of the new line between Liverpool and Manchester. However, this report reflects the Bill scheme as it stood during the consultation period in July and August of 2023.
Updates to this page
The consultation response website is now live. Relevant edits have been made to this page.
Consultation announced to be closed.
Updated text in line with the closing of the consultation.
Added • High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) AP2 consultation response form (web version) • High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) AP2 consultation response form (print version) • High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) About you (web version) • High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) About you (print version)
First published.