Higher education statistics: children from disadvantaged backgrounds
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Detail of outcome
The statistics will be changed to include:
- greater clarity that the free school meals (FSM) and school type/selective university measures aim to contribute to the understanding of widening participation issues as part of a range of measures
- a detailed explanation of measures, including their limitations
- a table available in Excel format with time series of the FSM measure by local authority
Original consultation
Consultation description
We are monitoring the educational achievement of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds so we can find out how we can narrow the gap in achievement between disadvantaged youngsters and their peers.
We want to know if the Full-time young participation by socio-economic class (FYPSEC) statistics is the best method for measuring widening participation. It looks at whether a better alternative exists, such as the free school meals (FSM) measure. We also welcome any general comments about the scope and layout of the publication.