Consultation outcome

HS2 Phase One property compensation 2012

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
This consultation has concluded

Detail of outcome

In response to a High Court ruling in March 2013, the government undertook to consult again on elements of property compensation relevant to the judgment. This did not include our approach to dealing with tunnelling or lost social rented housing. The government has therefore published its decisions on these elements of the October 2012 consultation.

The ‘Properties above tunnels’ decision document outlines the government’s approach to the purchase of subsoil rights and measures through which it intends to maintain confidence in the value of properties above tunnels and other below ground excavations for HS2 Phase One.

The ‘Impact on social rented housing’ decision document explains the government’s approach to working with key stakeholders in order to deliver appropriate solutions for the replacement of social rented housing lost as a result of HS2.

Original consultation


Seeks views on proposals concerning compensation for property owners affected by the HS2 high speed rail line.

This consultation was held on another website.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

On 25 October 2012, the Secretary of State for Transport, announced the launch of the property and compensation consultation for Phase One of HS2 between London and the West Midlands.

This consultation began on Thursday 25 October 2012 and closed on Thursday 31 January 2013.

The government believes that compensation for property owners affected by the HS2 proposals must reflect the significant impact that comes with the construction of a high speed rail line.

This consultation asked for your views on the detail of the government’s proposals including:

  • a streamlined system of advanced and voluntary purchase to simplify the process for property owners in the safeguarded area and provide greater certainty for those immediately outside it
  • a sale and rent back scheme to allow homeowners whose property will need to be demolished to sell their homes but remain living in them as tenants until the properties are required for the railway
  • a hardship scheme to help those that need to move during the development of HS2, but are unable to sell their home despite being outside both the safeguarded area and the voluntary purchase zone
  • a series of measures designed to provide confidence in properties above tunnels
  • a framework for working with local authorities, housing associations and affected tenants to agree a joint strategy to replace any social rented housing which is lost

If you responded online to this consultation you can continue to view your submission using your existing login details on the HS2 property and compensation consultation website.

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Published 25 October 2012

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