Hydro Benefit Replacement Scheme and Common Tariff Obligation: three year review of statutory schemes - call for comments
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Detail of outcome
This document sets out the DECC response to the call for comments held between 1 March 2013 and 12 April 2013 as part of the three-yearly review of the Hydro Benefit Replacement Scheme and Common Tariff Obligation. Responses were received from five organisations, who were generally supportive of both schemes. DECC has decided to retain these schemes as they continue to meet their policy objectives of protecting electricity consumers in the North of Scotland. In line with statutory requirements, a further review will be undertaken no later than three years from now.
Original consultation
Consultation description
A Ministerial commitment was made to review the working of the Common Tariff Obligation in parallel with the Hydro Benefit Replacement Scheme review.
In undertaking the required 2012 review, DECC has considered the operation of the two schemes and is not at this stage minded to make any changes. However, before making a final decision, DECC would welcome comments by 12 April 2013 from stakeholders on this approach.
This is not a formal DECC consultation.