Implementing a new FE funding and accountability system
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The ‘Skills for jobs: implementing a new further education funding and accountability system’ consultation ran from 21 July to 12 October 2022.
This is our second consultation on the funding and accountability reforms. We sought views on the detailed technical aspects for reforming the further education funding and accountability system. We analysed and carefully considered the 249 responses to this consultation to develop and finalise policy decisions.
This is the government’s formal response to the consultation, which summarises the responses received and details the policy.
You can also read the:
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation sets out in greater detail the FE funding and accountability reform proposals and how these will be implemented.
In July 2021, we consulted on proposals to reform the adult skills funding system, and the FE accountability system which would support this. The views from our previous consultation have shaped the reforms.
Read the Skills for jobs: lifelong learning for opportunity and growth white paper for more information about our vision to transform further education.
We have listened to the sector over the summer and we have decided to extend this consultation to give some stakeholders more time to engage with our proposals.
Updates to this page
The 'Skills for jobs: implementing a new further education funding and accountability system' formal consultation response has been added.
We have listened to the sector over the summer and have decided to extend this consultation to give stakeholders more time to engage with our proposals. The consultation will now close at 11:59pm on 12 October 2022.
First published.