Improving access to Research and Development tax credits for small business
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The summary of responses sets out HMRC’s plans to improve access to Research and Development (R&D) tax relief for small businesses.
Respondents generally agreed that the 4 factors discussed in the consultation are the right focus for improving R&D tax reliefs for small businesses. Respondents felt that the focus of HMRC’s future plans should be around improving awareness and understanding, rather than changing the policy design. In the summary of responses, HMRC sets out how it will tackle these issues. The document also introduces the advance assurance scheme for prospective first-time claimants to R&D tax relief.
HMRC is grateful to those who participated in the consultation.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation focuses on improving the accessibility of Research and Development (R&D) tax credits for small companies.
It addresses the four main factors that affect whether companies make claims:
- awareness of the credits
- design of the rules
- understanding of the rules
- claims process/ administration
We’re inviting views on all of these, and will in particular be using these to shape improvement of the guidance and the design of the new advance assurance service.