Improving our management of water in the environment
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
23 July 2019: We have now published the summary of responses and government response. The government response sets out the measures we expect to take forward through the Environment Bill and other primary legislation.
Read the updated policy statement on the progress of the Environment Bill.
Detail of feedback received
17 May 2019: We received a total of 298 responses to this consultation. The responses are being considered. A summary of responses will be published alongside the Environment Bill in due course.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We want to know what you think about our proposals for improving long-term planning of water resources and drainage. We’re also asking about our proposals to modernise water regulation. These include:
- reforming abstraction licensing to clarify when Environment Agency can amend licences
- amending laws to allow a new charging methodology for Internal Drainage Boards
- making the Somerset Rivers Authority a flood Risk Management Authority
- modernising the process for modifying water company licence conditions
We also want to begin discussions around raising funds to deal with flooding and coastal erosion.
Updates to this page
Published 15 January 2019Last updated 23 July 2019 + show all updates
Summary of responses and government response added.
Added note to set out when the summary of responses will be published.
First published.