Improving outcomes for members of defined contribution pension schemes
Detail of outcome
The government’s consultation response has now been published.
The response is to 2 important consultations on occupational Defined Contribution (DC) pension schemes’ investments and overall governance:
this consultation – September 2020 consultation on draft regulations and statutory guidance to deliver better value for money for members of DC schemes
March 2021 consultation ‘Incorporating performance fees within the charge cap’ on draft regulations on performance fee smoothing and a call for evidence on the issue of look-through
Over the past 12 months, the government has set out a series of measures to prepare the DC occupational pensions market for the challenges and opportunities ahead – this response finalises important next steps.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This government response to the February 2019 consultation ‘Investment Innovation and Future Consolidation,’ also includes further consultation on proposed measures to improve outcomes for Defined Contribution scheme members.
Please complete the online questionnaire which accompanies this consultation.
Alternatively, if you wish to submit information which cannot be provided via a web form, please send your consultation responses to:
Electronic responses are preferred unless there is a clear reason not to do so. In that instance please send your responses to:
David Eaton
Department for Work and Pensions
DC Policy Team, Policy Group
Private Pensions and Arms Lengths Bodies Directorate
Zone A, 3rd Floor South
Quarry House
Quarry Hill
Note: When responding please indicate whether you are responding as an individual or representing the views of an organisation.