Consultation outcome

Improving terms and conditions

This consultation has concluded

Detail of outcome

The themes consulted on - terms and conditions, and fining powers - and evidence gathered, were incorporated into the development of the Consumer green paper published in April 2018.

Further research into Terms and Conditions is underway.

Fining powers were scheduled to be incorporated in the Better Markets Bill which did not proceed after the 2016 machinery of government changes, but the green paper confirmed that we still intend to introduce them when legislative business permits.

Original consultation


We are seeking views on how terms and conditions (T&Cs) can be made more user-friendly and on proposals to introduce fines for unfair terms.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

In this call for evidence we are seeking a better understanding of how T&Cs can be made more accessible for consumers. It includes a number of proposals along with more general questions on how respondents approach T&Cs and what might work better for them.

We are also proposing additional enforcement tools, including civil fining powers for breaches of the consumer protection legislation.

Views are sought from the public, consumer representatives, businesses, trade bodies and regulators.


Published 1 March 2016