Independent review of research bureaucracy
Detail of outcome
Detail of feedback received
Original consultation
Consultation description
This call for evidence is seeking views on ways to substantially reduce research bureaucracy, primarily for the benefit of individuals and teams conducting research.
Responses to this call for evidence will feed into the interim and final reports of the Independent review of research bureaucracy, which was first launched on 22 March 2021. The overarching goal of the Review is “to advise on a substantial reduction in unnecessary research bureaucracy in government and the wider sector, supporting our researchers to focus on research and related activities which contribute to a healthy research base”.
The review and its outputs will support the goals of the government’s Research and development roadmap.
This call for evidence seeks views and evidence on the following:
- the main sources of unnecessary bureaucracy that need to be taken into account by the Review
- specific changes which could bring the biggest reduction in unnecessary bureaucracy
- changes which would make the greatest difference to the efficiency and effectiveness of the application process and post-award assurance processes
- examples of funding models, processes and infrastructure that can support the overarching goal of reducing unnecessary bureaucracy
- examples of unnecessary research bureaucracy which could be streamlined
- examples of best practice in removing or preventing unnecessary research bureaucracy
See the BEIS consultation privacy notice.
Please do not send responses by post to the department at the moment as we may not be able to access them.