Introducing national standards for unregulated provision
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Summary of the responses we received, along with the government’s response outlining the next steps.
You can also read the consultation analysis ‘Consultation on national standards for unregulated provision: analytical report’ and the analysis of the focus groups with children and young people ‘National standards for unregulated provision: young people’s views’.
The government will:
- implement mandatory national standards for provision that accommodates 16-and 17-year-old looked-after children and care leavers
- introduce requirements for providers to register and be inspected by Ofsted
- call this provision ‘supported accommodation for young people’
Original consultation
Consultation description
The number of children in care placed in unregulated settings has increased from 2,900 in 2009 to 6,490 in 2020. We want to ensure these placements are of good quality.
This consultation invites views on:
- the key indicators of whether a provider is delivering ‘care’ or ‘support’
- how best to define this provision in future and whether ‘supported accommodation for older children’ is the best descriptor
- what the best provision in this sector looks like and therefore what needs to be accounted for in new national standards
- a proposed suite of national standards
- how settings should be regulated by Ofsted
We have also published a separate version of this consultation aimed at children and young people.