Introducing new rules for supported accommodation providers: children and young people with experience of care
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Summary of responses received from children and young people and the government’s response to the consultation.
You can also read the separate analysis and government response to the consultation on introducing regulations for supported accommodation provision.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation is for children and young people with experience of care.
We want to make sure that young people get the help they need in supported accommodation settings, as they develop their independence and get ready for adult life.
Before we bring in the new rules, we want to know:
- what it should feel like to be properly supported while living in high quality accommodation
- if we’ve included the right rules for providers to make sure you’re safe where you live and are offered the right support
- if you think the checks we want Ofsted to make will make sure supported accommodation providers are following the standards and rules
We’ve also published a consultation for the general public.