Jet Zero: updated evidence and analysis to inform our strategy for net zero aviation
Detail of outcome
This consultation and the Jet Zero consultation received over 1,500 responses in total.
We have published a summary of consultation responses and government response which summarises the responses received to both consultations.
The outcome of both consultations is the Jet Zero strategy: delivering net zero aviation by 2050.
Detail of feedback received
Feedback to this consultation is captured in the outcome section of the main Jet Zero consultation.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The Jet Zero: our strategy for net zero aviation consultation published in July 2021 set out our vision and strategic framework for achieving net zero aviation by 2050.
This subsequent consultation invites views on the new evidence and updated analysis described in the Jet Zero: further technical consultation document and accompanying Jet Zero: modelling framework.
All responses to this further technical consultation will be considered alongside responses to the initial Jet Zero consultation.