Legal Aid Means Test Review
Applies to England and Wales
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Detail of outcome
This is the government’s response to the legal aid means test review consultation which ran from 15 March to 7 June 2022.
This response outlines the government’s proposals which aim to align civil and criminal legal aid more closely through a four-phase implementation plan.
This response provides a summary of the consultation questions and the responses received, as well as a detailed government response, policy proposals for each theme and specific questions raised in the consultation.
Original consultation
Consultation description
In February 2019, the government announced a review of the means test for legal aid as part of the Legal Support Action Plan. This paper sets out for consultation our proposed changes to the means test for legal aid.
Means testing is a vital aspect of determining eligibility for most types of legal aid. It aims to ensure that legal aid is targeted at those most in need, and that those who can afford to contribute towards their legal costs do so.
Chapters 1 and 2 summarise the existing legal aid means tests and lay out our overarching approach to legal aid eligibility. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 detail our proposals in relation to civil legal aid. Chapters 6 and 7 detail our proposals in relation to criminal legal aid. Chapter 8 outlines our proposals for implementation and monitoring.
Our proposals are followed by accompanying questions. We welcome responses to those questions as well as to some wider questions on the potential impact of our proposals.
You will find the consultation document, a large print version and a Welsh summary below. We will shortly publish a full Welsh translation and an easy read version.
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