Closed consultation

LGBT+ Business Champion’s call to engage: more information and how to respond

Updated 31 March 2022

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

The government’s LGBT+ Business Champion, Iain Anderson, wants to hear from employers, staff networks, trade unions and civil society organisations with practical experience of:

  • creating LGBT+ inclusive workplaces
  • supporting LGBT+ inclusion in their wider environment
  • improving outcomes and experiences for LGBT+ people

The LGBT Business Champion is looking for:

  • practical examples of what businesses are doing to improve LGBT+ outcomes and experiences in their workplace and wider environment
  • examples of what works

Who can respond

The LGBT+ Business Champion wants to hear from:

  • employers
  • staff networks
  • trade unions
  • civil society organisations

This call to engage is not to gain responses from people about their personal experience or their views of LGBT+ equality in the workplace. We will not be considering any responses that provide personal experiences or views.


Please answer one or more of the following questions. You do not need to answer all 4 questions.

Question 1

What is your organisation doing to improve the collection of LGBT+ diversity and inclusion data of employees?

Please provide any available evidence that this has been effective.

Question 2

What is your organisation doing to improve the outcomes and experiences of LGBT+ employees in the workplace?

If you are able to disaggregate how you have supported lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans employees, please do so. Please provide any available evidence that this has been effective.

Question 3

For organisations which operate in countries where LGBT+ people routinely experience discrimination, what is your organisation doing to support the safety and advocacy of LGBT+ staff?

Question 4

How does your organisation have a positive social and economic impact on LGBT+ equality, including in countries where LGBT+ people routinely experience discrimination (where relevant)?

We are particularly interested in impacts outside your organisation, such as evidence of how your organisation has had a positive influence through supply chains, distributors and customers.

How to respond

Please send your response to by 11.45pm on Thursday 12 May 2022.

We would prefer to receive responses in either PDF or Word.

Please include the following details about your organisation in your response:

  • name of your organisation
  • sector
  • number of employees – you can estimate this if actual numbers are not available
  • which countries your organisation operates in – and specifically whether you operate in countries where LGBT+ people routinely experience discrimination

Please include your contact details (email address and telephone number) so we can reach out to engage further.

Please do not submit personal or identifiable information other than your workplace contact details.

How we will use your information

The LGBT+ Business Champion will contact respondents who submit the most exciting and promising evidence, to work together to share these with employers in the UK and abroad.

With respondents’ permission, the evidence provided may also be discussed at Safe To Be Me: A Global Equality Conference, taking place in London from 29 June to 1 July 2022.

We may also ask respondents to take part in discussions that the LGBT+ Business Champion is hosting around the UK to discuss creating inclusive workplaces and wider environments.

We will not contact all respondents. We will only contact those who submit evidence of particular interest. We will not publish or use any evidence submitted without asking for your permission – because of this, we remind all respondents to include your workplace contact details in case we want to follow up with you.

See our privacy notice for information about your rights and how we will use your personal data.