Open consultation

Local audit reform: a strategy for overhauling the local audit system in England

Applies to England


The document includes a statement of intent and consultation on proposals to overhaul the current local audit system in England.

This consultation closes at

Consultation description

This strategy commits to a series of measures to fix the broken local audit system, including:

  • a local audit vision with eight core principles
  • the establishment of a statutory and independent Local Audit Office (LAO), with five strategic responsibilities - coordinating the system, contract management, ownership of the Code of Audit Practice, quality oversight and reporting
  • mandating audit committees

The government is also consulting on a number of specific proposals as part of this strategy, including:

  • potential additional functions of the new LAO
  • simplifying financial reporting requirements to ensure they are proportionate
  • improvements to enhance capacity and capability in the local audit sector, such as the introduction of public provision
  • strengthening the relationship between local bodies and their auditor
  • reforming the audit regime

Local government is a devolved matter. This strategy applies to England only.

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Published 18 December 2024

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