Local bus services: revised statutory guidance
Detail of outcome
The Senior Traffic Commissioner has now published her Statutory document on local bus services (outside London) and Wales.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
This report provides an analysis of responses to this consultation on revised statutory guidance for local bus services. It also sets out the Senior Traffic Commissioner’s intentions to issue a final version of the statutory guidance.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This is the second consultation on the Senior Traffic Commissioner’s revision of existing statutory guidance on local bus services, the first was completed between 21 August 2013 and 13 November 2013.
The Senior Traffic Commissioner is required to provide guidance and directions as to the way that traffic commissioners will approach their duties as part of the Local Transport Act 2008. We are seeking feedback on this revised publication which takes account of the many responses to the first consultation, including from local authorities, operators, passenger groups, trade associations and individuals.