Management of HIV-infected healthcare workers
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The people who responded to the consultation generally agreed with the changes recommended. The department concluded that the guidance on the management of healthcare workers with HIV should be revised. As a result healthcare workers with HIV will carry out certain surgical and dental procedures if they are on effective treatment, have very low or undetectable levels of HIV in the blood, and are regularly monitored by both their treating and occupational health physicians. The new arrangements are expected to come into effect in 2014.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Department of Health guidance currently restricts healthcare workers infected with HIV from performing invasive clinical procedures, known as exposure prone procedures.
This consultation asks for your views on recommendations from an independent tripartite working group to relax the restrictions on HIV-infected healthcare workers if certain conditions are met.
The tripartite working group consists of experts including chairs and members of the:
- Expert Advisory Group on AIDS
- UK Advisory Panel for Healthcare Workers Infected with Blood-borne Viruses
- Advisory Group on Hepatitis